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to Jump-In NW.

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Jump-In Northwest

Jump-In NW operates as a non-profit organization and depends on the generosity of our donors to remain vital, grow and thrive. Your general donation will be directed to areas of greatest need. General donations may be used to pay for operational costs such as staffing, equipment maintenance, special event costs, administrative cost, and marketing. Your general donation makes a huge impact on the Jump-In NW ministry. Our team and those we serve thank you!

Your Donation is Deductible.

Jump-In NW is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our Federal EIN is 27-1620953. All donations are 100% tax-deductible within the United States. We automatically provide an email receipt for every donation. To request a hard-copy receipt for any donation, please email Angie Weyer at:

Give Via Check, Save Us 3%

When receiving online donations, Jump-In NW incurs a processing fee of about 3%. You can save us this fee by sending in your contribution via check made out to Jump-In NW stating “Donation” in the memo line. Send your check to:

Jump-In NW
7501 S. Knights Bridge Rd
Canby, OR 97013