Home Front Discipleship & Missions
The Great
Starts Here
JumpIn Summer Impact Home Front Missionary:
Re-defining what it looks like to live out the great commission.
Do good works and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
in local communities that need to know the love of God right here in America.
Ready to transform your summer and your life?
Let's make a lasting impact together..
Summer Impact
Canby Grove

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water
to one of these little ones who is my disciple,
truly I tell you, that person
will certainly not lose their reward.”
Matthew 10:42

Summer Impact
Summer Impact
June 8—August 2
Includes housing, meals
outreach and classes
Canby, Oregon
7501 S Knights Bridge Rd
About 30 minutes south of Portland, Oregon
off 1-5.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Encounter God:
Learn from, pastors, teachers, missionaries, business people and other qualified Christian leaders through a variety of spiritual formation workshops and training sessions. Have open in-depth discussions with peeers and leaders about whats been taught. Partake in regular Bible studies, worship, and prayer. Experience personal growth as you set apart these moments to let God speak to you. Learn more about history of the church, the character of God, who you are in His story, and aligning with His heart for His people at this hour on the earth.
Real Experiences:
Step out of your comfort zone and into opportunities to witness God’s work firsthand as we serve the body of Christ and those that are in great need. Spread the Gospel in our local communities through multiple events and interactions.
Live in Community:
At Summer Impact, you're not going solo. Join a crew of peers all-in for God, eager to spread His love and make a real difference in our communities. Build deep, meaningful connections with others who share your passion for Jesus. Together, you’ll pray, worship, dive into the Word, and encourage each other daily. Together, we'll live out our faith and create lasting change.
Gain Life Skills:
By learning actual real-life skills in areas like building, electric, automotive, lanscaping, sewing, cooking and more, you become more effective in how you help those around you. At Summer Impact you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and use them as you serve the community. Skills taught will vary depening on what program you are apart of.
Affordable Opportunity
JumpIn NW is launching this exciting new program with the help of generous donors. This is a pilot program that would normally cost $1500 per person to cover housing, meals, outings, teachers and programs. Because of generous donations toward this new program we are able to reduce the price to just $500 per student for 2025.
Spend your summer making a real impact in state-side communities, all without the need to fundraise large sums. Don't miss this unique opportunity to be part of something fresh and transformational.

Personal Ministry
Personal Ministry
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1
A true missionary must first be a true disciple. It starts with knowing Jesus, following Him wholeheartedly, and letting him change your life. Then you’re ready to help others do the same.
Discipleship is a calling to a higher purpose and a higher standard. We ask Summer Impact participants to dig deep and push themselves. Part of becoming a disciple is becoming someone who puts Jesus first, is learning to care about others, is growing in righteousness and self-control and the has ability to stay the course.
This summer, let’s grow together through teaching, prayer, worship, and real conversations—so your faith isn’t just a moment, but a lifelong journey that impacts others.
Dicipleship study sessions will take place in a classroom setting with men and women from all walks of life. Pastors, teachers, community workers, missionaries, worship leaders and more. We believe the Bible is the inherent word of God and we must study it, understand it and live it in order to be truly effective missionaries. After the study sessions we will have extended time of open discussion.
JumpIn operates a prayer house with daily worship and prayer in which Summer Impact will regularly participate.
The mission of the faith was not meant to be done alone. Come and join peers in the pursuit of God and in serving people with the love of God.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Throughout the ministry of Jesus when He ministered outside of the circle of His disciples, He first took care of the needs of the people. Without needs being met most people aren’t willing to listen.
Each week we will have an opportunities for outreach. You will be given skills and teaching to prepare for service and ministry that make a real imapct to the
people in need
Join a Larger Team:
We will team up with local charities, businesses, and churches in helping those around us. The outreach projects we participate in may include, feeding the hungry, repairing and painting elderly or single-mom homes, landscaping, preparing food, helping in with underpriveledged families in the area or in a retirement. The opportunities are many.
Be a Mentor:
Be a leader for kids (ages 6–14) at two 3-day summer camps hosted by jump-in. These camps are filled with worship, small groups, games, swimming, and team-building adventures. You’ll help plant seeds of faith in the hearts of the local kids while giving them a memorable summer experience. Even though it can be challenging working with young kids we are confident you are going to have a great time serving as you play with the campers in summer adventures and impacting the generation after you. (Click here for summer camp information)
Give Back Big:
Get your hands dirty and your heart full by helping in renovation and maintenance projects at Canby Grove, a working ministry center. It’s all about showing Christ’s love in action giving to the place you stay, making it better than you when you first came. We hope this will become a life long practice no matter where you are.
Work Hard then Play Hard:
There will be multiple opportunities throughout the 8 weeks to take advantage of serving in one of the most beautiful states in America. Oregon has mountains and beaches and forests all within 20min to 1.5 hours from Canby Grove. Several outings will be offered to those who would like to do some sightseeing, hiking or beachcombing.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we
do not give up.
Galations 6:9
Canby Grove
Canby Grove

Canby Grove is the home base of Summer Impact.
This historic property was founded in 1928 to be a missionary training and sending center. For nearly
100 years it has been a meeting ground for Christian churches of all denominations to pursue God.
Located just off I-5 thirty minutes south of Portland, OR and 1.5 hours from the ocean to the west and the mountains to the east.
Recreational Amenities
River Access, large pool, walking trails, campfire pits, playing fields various sport courts and more.
Summer Impact missionaries will stay in retro dorm-style housing in the Cascade Lodge located at the center of the property. A roommate may be assigned depening on what program they are participating in.
If a roommate is preferred, that can be arranged ahead of time. There are male and female assigned wings of the building with a gender specific shared bathroom and showers in each hallway.
Bedding and a towel set are included.
A common area for preparing snacks, watching tv, playing games and hanging out with everyone is in between the male and female accomodations.
Canby Grove is an operating campground offering use of the space to many different groups over the summer. Summer Impact missionaries will be asked to respect the other groups on property, respect the grounds of Canby Grove and respect the rules and boundaries that come with making sure the guests have a wonderful time at Canby Grove.
Campground amentities are available to Summer Impact when guest groups are not using them.
Most meals will be from the commercial kitchen prepared by the camps amazing chef. Meals are served buffet style. Some special dietary needs can be accommodated.
Some meals will be provided in continental style and some will be prepared by Summer Impact with supplied ingredients.
All missionaries will be responsible for their own transportation to the airport, bus station or train station for arrival and departure. Pick -up and drop-off is available if you are arriving and departing on the June 8 and August 3 and bewteen the hours of 8 am and midnight. Other arrivals and drop-offs may be available but must first be cleared with leadership. Uber and taxis are available to and from Canby Grove.
Free parking is available at the campground if you are driving
to Canby.
Occasionally we will have van rides available. Some events we will need to divide into leadership cars.