Todays Date
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Do you have any special skill sets that may be useful in this program?
(i.e. Life Guard Certification, arts & crafts, Administrative, bible teaching, worship, intercession, food prep, construction experience, small group experience etc.)
What are some skill sets you would like to grow-in or try for the first time?
Worship, teaching, construction, cooking, sharing your faith, leading groups, etc.
Please tell us why you would like to be a part of this program
Are you currently attending a church?
If so please tell us what church you attend. If not please explain why you are not in church at this time in your life.
Tells us about your relationship with Jesus
Learning Interests
This mission trip involves training as well as active serving. What are you most interested in learning during the training portion? (Select all that apply)
Crisis Response
Church History
Scriptural Study & Interpretation
Making Disciples
Cross-Denominational Partnership
Common Heresies & the Christian response
How to share the gospel
Navigating Controversy In a God honoring way
Children's ministry
Peer to peer ministry
Service Confirmation
This is a rigorous program involving self-studying, required class attendance, and participation in serve activities. On average you will spend 40 hours per week actively engaged in the curriculum. Please confirm that you are aware, and capable.
I am aware that this program may require me to push myself both mentally and physically
I am capable of being present and engaged 40 hours per week.
Name of a work/volunteer reference you can provide.
A Supervisor— not a peer
First Name
Last Name
Phone Work/Volunteer Reference
Email Work/Volunteer Reference
Pastoral Reference
This needs to be someone who can speak to your spiritual life. This does not have to be an official pastor.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Pastoral Reference
Email Pastoral Reference
How did you hear about us?
Email marketing
Friends or Family
Google search
Video Ad
Recruited directly
Campus tabeling event
Do you have any activities you would like to do if you are apart of this program?
This program will involve lots of social activities with peers including a trip to the coast, hikes, river activities and games. Are there any ideas or places to visit you would like us to try and incorporate into the community fun time?.
Do you need resources to assist you in fundraising for this missions experience?
We provide scholarships under certain cases. If you need a scholarship in order to participate in this program please write down a monetary value of the amount you believe you are capable of contributing to your program cost.
You will be contacted will follow up questions if we are able to find a generous donor.