A Safe Place for Everyone to Learn and Grow
Jump-In began in 2010 with one camp, hosted in the summer. At the closing of that camp we realized many of the kids would leave camp with a “Mountain Top” experience, but may have no outlet to continue pursuing God in Bible study, prayer, worship and practiting the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the way they were experiencing at camp. We wanted to create a place where families and people of all ages could gather together and encourage each other in learning how to live like Jesus said we could live, in a safe space to not always get it right, learn to be humble, but also learn how to encourage each other to pursue God whole heartedly.
We started with a meeting 2 days a week in a prayer house that we built above our garage outbuilding. A year later we were purchasing Canby Grove Christian Center.
Over the years the ways in which we encourage all generations to pursue God have evolved and changed but our core beliefs and passion for Jesus have stayed steadfast.
We currrently operate a residential campground which brings nearly 10k people to our space in the woods. The Lord has shown us many ways that we get to affect the generations way beyond what we dreamed of in 2010 with loving people where they are at, serving them well and creating a wonderful space for them to get away and find God.
We currently host 3 Jump-In camps in the summer at Canby Grove. All day Camp, Summer Blast and Family Camp. In the design stages is a brand new program called CrossTrained. With this program we hope to train young people in gaining Life skills that can be used throughout their life not only for themselves but also to affect the kingdom of God with skilled service. We will also train these young adults in Bible Study and Descipliship to hopefully encourage them that God is in everything they do all the time no matter what vocation they are called to. We hope to raise up those that can use those skills not only in an overseas missions trip but can also use those skills in impacting their own communities and becoming home front missionaries continually.